Saturday, September 10, 2011

Foundation of Relationship

Simple but truly needed in a sound relationship which has a solid foundation are the following elements: CARING: Caring about each other.
RESPECT: Respect for each other's needs. COMMUNICATION: Communication between each other. TRUTH: Truth with each other on all things big and small. COMMITMENT: Commitment to each other and the relationship you have.

It is very essential in a relationship to understand your partner and to compromise. There are times when one feels that 'why should I be the one who is always adjusting' but always remember little differences and arguments can be sorted out by simply listening to one another and finding out problems and fixing them, than hanging on to your ego's and repenting later on. Try to keep your relationship good and last forever.
Tips to make sure one's relationship last and is good:

1.Make sure there are no *major* areas of incompatibility. Make a list of what's important to each of you and discuss it to make sure that there are no major indifferences and inaptness amongst you and your partner, which can create complications. To keep a relationship good both people have to care about how their partner feels and make sure to talk about anything that's causing either party to feel like their needs aren't being met and try to fix it. Because that's what breaks relationships and kills the love that was once there. Letting hurt, anger, etc grow and take over instead of fixing the problem while it's small is hazardous to a relationship and must be avoided before it becomes impossible to mend little hurts.
2. Make a commitment... Not in the traditional sense to stay together no matter how bad it gets... you have to be willing to hang in there through difficult times but I think that both parties must commit 110% to nurturing and protecting what they have.. to do things that keep the love you feel alive and strong and to always be vigilant and nip problems in the bud *before* they get to the point of harming your relationship.

IMO That's the key to making a relationship last and stay good.

Make sure you are compatible in the things you both think are important.
Make sure that both of you have the skills to negotiate conflict without having to beat each other up with words.
Make a commitment to keep it good and then make it a reality.

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