Sonakshi Sinha rocked a scarlet shift dress and long black tresses at the launch of My Ferragamo new collection in Mumbai on September 29.“Just launched the new “my ferragamo” collection! Luuurrrvveeed it!” Sonakshi tweeted later in the day.
The 23-year-old Bollywood debutante is riding a high following the success of Salman’s her film Dabangg.
Sonakshi’s sleeveless dress had a nipped waist.
Her all black accessories included: black flats, a glossy messenger bag worn across shoulder, stud earrings, and a chunky square dial watch in her left arm.
Her straight long hair was styled in a side pony tail with bangs framing the left side of her face. She wore a signature nose ring and red lipstick.
The 23-year-old Bollywood debutante is riding a high following the success of Salman’s her film Dabangg.
Sonakshi’s sleeveless dress had a nipped waist.
Her all black accessories included: black flats, a glossy messenger bag worn across shoulder, stud earrings, and a chunky square dial watch in her left arm.
Her straight long hair was styled in a side pony tail with bangs framing the left side of her face. She wore a signature nose ring and red lipstick.
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